Sunday, 20 October 2019

Some Census Terms and Abbreviations:

In practice, the head of the household is usually the oldest male. Everyone else, whether wife, son, servant or anyone else, should be described in relation to this person.
This convention is not always followed accurately. Sometimes young children may be shown as ‘son’ or ‘dau’ (daughter) when they are really the grandchildren of the head.

Son or daughter-in-law can also mean a stepchild, as well as the husband or wife of the head’s own children.

Boarder = not a relative.

Lodger = rents a room.

Vis = visitor who is not a relative.

Mar or M = married.

Unm, Un, U or S = unmarried or single.

Wid or W = widowed.

There are some other common terms and abbreviations.

Ag lab = agricultural labourer.

Annuitant = living on income from investments.

Ap or App = apprentice.

FS, MS = used in the 1841 census for female servant and male servant.

Gentleman = denotes someone living on an income from investments or retired from business, but has no official definition.

Ind or Independent = of independent means.

J or Journeyman = someone who had completed an apprenticeship but is not a master with a business and apprentices of their own.

Pensioner – usually means an army, navy or police pensioner. 

Old age pensions were introduced in 1908, so the term ‘old age pensioner’ appears for the first time in 1911.

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